Home > 未分类 > Compile Error C3918 , for event in Cli/C++

Compile Error C3918 , for event in Cli/C++

In C#, we can check if an event variable is null before firing the event. For example:

public class MyClass
  public event EventHandler MyEvent;
  public void FireEvent()
    // Check if there is any event handler registered.
    if (MyEvent != null) { MyEvent(this, new EventArgs()); }

But if we do the same thing in C++/CLI, we will get an compile error C3918.

ref class MyClass
  event EventHandler^ MyEvent;
  void FireEvent()
    if(MyEvent != nullptr) // C3918
      MyEvent(this, gcnew EventArgs());

Here is the solution:

public ref class MyClass
  EventHandler^ m_myEvent;
  event EventHandler^ MyEvent
    void add(EventHandler^ handler) { m_myEvent += handler; }
    void remove(EventHandler^ handler) { m_myEvent -= handler; }
    void raise(Object^ sender, EventArgs^ e)
      // Check if there is any event handler registered.
      if (m_myEvent != nullptr)
        m_myEvent->Invoke(sender, e);

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